Quick search


If you are looking for a list of generators that meet your criteria, we advise you to use the filters. Let’s say you are only interested in DIN generators with manual start, then you have to select 2 filters (Starting type = Manual, Category = DIN generators)

No result
If you use a filter combination that yields no results, you will see the following message: Please contact Europower to assist you in defining your generator.
The result

The result will show initial information such as: kVA max and continuous, Amps, engine and alternator. The type and the article number together with the thumbnail are both all clickable and will guide you to the product detail page.
In the right corner there are two icons that give information regarding fuel type and cooling:




2 Stroke mixture


In the right corner you will find a checkbox. Use this checkbox to select generators. An extra menu will appear, showing the number of generators you have selected, together with a compare button, a button that will only show the selected items and a button to clear your selection.
The selected items can be used for product comparison.
Social media integration
The product finder also comes with social media buttons.
The link behind the buttons is altered every time the filter changes. This can come in handy if you want to share the page you are looking at. If you used the filter, the person who follows the link will also see the product finder with the filtered items.
Every time you add or change one of the filters, the previous filters will be remembered. You can use the “back” button from your browser to go to the previous filter. This way you do not have to start all over again.If you do want to start from scratch, use the “reset fields” button which will clear all fields back to default.
If you are a fan of browser “favourites”, you can add any filtered page to your “favourites” for later use. This way you do not have to use the filter every time you visit the product finder.
Try not to scroll down too much. Use the filters to restrict the number of results. If for some reason you need to scroll down because the result is too long, you can use the “Go to top” button that will appear at the bottom of the page. This will lead you straight back to the top of the page.