As an end-user, you might not have enough technical knowledge to decide which generating set suits you best. You can print or e-mail the outcome to ask a Europower dealer for more information. He will give you expert advice about the selected generating sets.
Where to find
You can find the product compare on the product finder page. Once you start selecting generating sets, a new menu will appear between the filter and the list of generating sets.

Customised product compare
The product compare has a top banner. This can be replaced with your customers’ banner. This is the same banner like the one on the product sheet. (see product sheet for more info)Customised banners will only be displayed for customers who have their banner installed in our system.

The default Europower template will be used to build a product compare. If customers need more personalised product compare sheets, than they will have to use the customised templates.
Default compare or customised templates?
Both are templates, but our default template only allows a customised banner and will only generate a webpage with PDF functionality. Customised templates allow you to change the look and feel in such a way that the generated document could look as if it was yours to begin with. Since the product compare is an extension of our template system, it has the same benefits.(More info about templates can be found on the template help page)
There are some limitations regarding the possibilities with the compare and customised templates. The result of a compare will always be a list of generating sets that are displayed side by side. Therefore, the templates are limited to html and Excel (or any Open document format such as ods).The compare
Every html template that is generated by the product compare will have some extra features at the top of the page.
The second dropdown menu will allow you to change the order in which the generating sets are displayed. For now only article code, kva max and type are the extra options besides the “current selection” option. The “current selection” (which is default) will always display the generating sets in order of selection.
The product finder button will lead you to the product finder page.
Finally there is also a “Google translate” dropdown menu that can be useful for those in need of extra languages that are not supported by Europower. (more about languages in the language help page) Bear in mind that PDF export will not work with Google translate.